Sunday 22 March 2009

Such a live donk : ( + rant

This trip on the whole has been pretty disgusting poker-wise. So frustrating and its really easy to be down about things at the moment. Played the 500 double chance on saturday and the 300 1r on tuesday, didn't make day two in either :(. Made a stupid live mistake which i was pretty mad at myself for, i misread a guys stack size and made a stupid bet where i was priced into calling his shove drawing dead which sucked. I then jammed 10bb with 85 of hearts and got slowrolled + speech from some old guy, i guess im gonna have to get used to that lol. I had a straight flush draw by the turn but didnt hit the miracle.

On to the 300 1r, with 11k at 100/200 i made it 500 in the cutoff with 86 of hearts the button flats, both blinds fold and the comes 952 one heart i bet 750, he flats turn comes the 9 of hearts giving me a f/draw, i barrel 1475 and he instajams vhbgalfnkm. I then chip up a little without showdown then get allin with J10 on a Q98 board vs QQ, it holds and im up to around 22k. I then get into an annoying spot where i 3bet AK, get flatted, c/bet the missed flop, check/fold the turn probably my biggest pet hate situation online. Anyway then i just grind my stack for a while and get to 600/1200/100 with around 20k, i make it 2900 with A10 and snap the shove from the young guy with around 13k he has AQ and ships it. I then shove a few times and im back to 14k, and pick up AQ and the button shoves and i snap and he flips K6ss, xxxxK... gg. I played a little live cash on wednesday, sat down at 1/2 with £450, very first hand i get it allin vs the only other big stack on A1088 with TT vs AA such coolers... fuck live poker imo.

Iv been writing this as i played online tonight, and just got KOd out of the big 100r on ftp in 10th for 3.3k...1st got 40k, yet another near miss jbnvskdsj;bnmv,nbm nnm, it will come one day! Pretty gross tbh, in this tourny i had AA vs KK allin pre K on flop, AA vs A3ss, allin pre he made a flush, thinking about it i don't know how the fuck i got 10th lol. Anyway i did have 400k with 15 left and was like 2/15, i then lost a standard race, then spewed a little making a light 4bet against another big stack who i thought had to have a huge hand to continue, lol he insta5betallin. I still have 220k with 11 left, then i lose a 350k pot with AQ vs gbecks A8 allin pre and he gets there, then with 11bb i lost a race AK vs 77. So sick :(.

Im trying not to let it get to me too much as its obviously part and parcel of the game. Iv pretty much dedicated my entire life to poker these last few years and it can be the most frustraing bs thing in the world sometimes. Being a poker player is a hell of a lot tougher than it seems. I can see why so many people don't make it, so easy to quit when it gets tough.

Playing the main event tommorrow and will be going straight home if i bust, have had enough tbh this week has been a lot of fun but i just wanna go home now, missing my gf like mad and this is the longest wev spent apart! So ill be pretty glad to get back to familiar surroundings.

Anyway w/e wish me luck in the ME tmoro, it starts at 2pm and its 8am now so im not gonna get much sleep at all so i may need a lot of luck!

gl at the tables

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